事業案内|Our Business

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Business information of Nakajima Electric Co., Ltd.

海外販売事業|Overseas sales business




We have launched our own brand 20 years ago and export and sell automobile bulbs to overseas automobile parts wholesalers.
We are focusing on sales to overseas customers mainly in Southeast Asia, especially in the aftermarket.
We have grown to export our own brand products to overseas customers in 24 countries around the world.


South Korea | China | Taiwan | Hong Kong | Philippines | Thailand | Malaysia | Singapore | Indonesia | Sri Lanka | Myanmar | Australia | New Zealand | Bangladesh | Pakistan | Saudi Arabia | Dubai | Mauritius | Greece | Mexico | Guatemala |Colombia|Peru|Chile

販売協力業者様の募集|Recruitment of sales partners



We are looking for a partner company to sell our automotive bulbs and our own brand products overseas.
Please feel free to contact us for companies that are expanding overseas or companies that are planning to expand overseas.

国内販売事業|Domestic sales business



Since its founding, we have been selling automobile bulbs to domestic manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, maintenance shops, individuals and a wide range of customers.
Particularly in recent years, there are many production of seismic bulbs used for industrial automobile bulbs, such as forklift trucks, and we continue to sell various types of bulbs to domestic industrial automobile bulb companies.

OEM製品製造|OEM product manufacturing



We also manufacture OEM products.
Currently, we have received orders for OEM automobile bulbs from more than 10 companies, and we are supporting each bulb manufacturer.